Monday, November 28, 2005


One of my favorite things to do is sleep. This random thought comes courtesy of a gray, rainy day and a very long and boring class that I just got out of. There really is nothing better than snuggling up in a warm comforter and soft pillows, especially on a rainy day or lazy afternoon. Added bonus: having someone to snuggle in the covers with you.

The worst thing is trying to fight off sleep, especially in the middle of a very long and boring class. You know the feeling...your vision gets a little blurry, and suddenly, the only thing you can think about is your soft, comfortable bed. Your head hitting the pillows. You curled up warm in the covers. When the image of the bed and pillows is the only thought you can keep, you know you're in trouble...there's really nothing you can do but pray that the professor doesn't look your way when your head nods.

I think we should all sleep more. And I advocate bringing naptime back to business school. How great would it be if all business schools had rooms filled with egg-shaped pods, perfect for catching 20-30 minutes of much needed sleep? The room would be dimmed and each pod would have it's own white-noise sound system, to help drown out any outside noises. When your time was up, the pod could shake gently to wake you up. It would be perfect - and an efficient use of students' time.

Of course, these are things you think about when your sleep deprived and struggling NOT to fall asleep in class.

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