Thursday, July 30, 2009

Harmonious Beer

I'm not going to even talk about the Beer Summit that went down at the White House today. I'm not talking about it because it's absolutely ridiculous that this situation should even be a blip on the President's radar. I'm not going to talk about it because it's absolutely ridiculous that this whole situation should be treated to drinks, like a bunch of college friends getting together to catch up. I'm not going to talk about it because it's, frankly, embarrassing to our country.

But I am going to talk about the beer.

Apparently, the choice of beer caused a bit of a stir, as well, with one Massachusetts congressman wanting Sam Adams to be the only beer of choice. Budweiser is now owned by a Belgium company and Coors and Miller are owned by UK conglomerates. So, Sam Adams is the natural, all-American, all-Boston choice for the White House to serve.

Nothing like a silly political controversy that gives root to another silly political controversy.

My favorite quote, though, was from Jim Koch, the founder and brewer of Sam Adams. He would choose to make a special beer for the event:
"I'd make a blend of ingredients from all over the world. Which is certainly what's represented there with the three participants," he said. "I would blend those ingredients together artfully and harmoniously, because that's really what we all hope for."

Let's all take our cue from Koch...raise your glass of beer, take a chug, and leave this silliness behind.

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