Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fifty People One Question

A small production company, Crush + Lovely, put together this montage of people in Brooklyn. They interviewed fifty people and asked them all the same question and filmed their response. I thought the production was very lovely, but an added bonus is that my sister, who lives in Brooklyn, was interviewed for the project and chosen for the final cut.

She's the very last person to be interviewed, before the film fades to white.

The question everyone was asked: If you could choose to wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you want to wake up?

Unfortunately, the site won't let me link the video directly into Blogger, so you'll need to click below to view. It's definitely worth the five minutes of your time.

Fifty People Video


spcjax said...

Interesting video...have to agree with your sis on london all though these days things are pretty tough over there.

Angel said...

Thank you for posting our project! come check out our new London video at:

We have just finish filming in Mexico City, so please stay tuned for more!
Thanks again!
