Friday, July 31, 2009

I'd tap that

What did we do before bottled water?

The whole idea of bottled water seems silly to me. With the exception of Fiji water, it all tastes the same to me, and no different from tap water (and, in fact, some companies have admitted to just bottling local tap water). And not to even mention the environmental impact, which is atrocious. It's almost like we're polluting the earth for no real beneficial reason...and that's just wasteful.

Americans spend $16 billion dollars a year on bottled water. That's more money per year than we spend on the Iraq war. And, like the war, the effects of those bottles will hang around for years and years to come.

So I was amused and excited to see a new initiative taking place in NYC. It's called TapIt, and it's a network of cafe owners who sign up as partners and allow people to pop in and fill up their reusable water bottles for free. So you're able to have easy access to free tap water, on the go. It's a win-win-win for everyone involved - it cuts back on waste (good for the planet), gives water to people (good for thirsty people) and gives business and exposure to the cafes (good for capitalism).

You can find out more at TapIt.

Our tap water is among the cleanest in the world. And yet that's still not good enough for us. If we stop to appreciate what we have here and use it, then perhaps we'd make an impact on our world.

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