Monday, September 07, 2009

What's all the fuss about?

I'm travelling overseas for work this week, and so have been a bit disconnected from the rest of the world. So I was surprised when I pulled up today and saw some controversy around Obama addressing America's school children tomorrow. Some parents were even threatening to keep their kids from school so they wouldn't hear the speech. Nothing like a little censorship to promote American ideals.

So I decided to read the speech (you can read it yourself here). Now, there are a few cheesy lines in the speech and I think he makes his point one time too many (we get it, Obama), but nothing in there is controversial. In fact, I'm totally surprised Republicans are all up in arms - the speech is all about personal responsibility, something that Republicans believe in. It's about staying in school, getting an education and making the most of your life.

For a country that lags behind the rest of the world in science and math, this is not such a bad thing. Anything, in fact, that helps to promote education is a good thing. Because let's be honest - nobody can take away your education. And an education is the quickest way out of a bad situation and into a better one.

Let our children be inspired. Maybe it's the adults who are too cynical and too political. This isn't about politics - it's about making our future generation the best it can possibly be. And the only way to do that is through education.


X Curmudgeon said...

Educated children don't make very good Republicans.

MonkeyGirl said...

ooo...X Curmudgeon, that's a blow below the belt! :)