Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hey now, hey now...

So finals are finally finished and I actually have some time to breathe! Finals were mostly a disaster, but not for lack of studying. The funny thing is, everything is relative to each other. No matter how well, or poorly, any one of us did on a test, all that matters is that we did better than our peers. I could have flunked the test, but as long as everyone else flunked the test, then I passed.

It seems like a strange way to grade. It starts to lead to secret wishing on our part, hoping that our classmates - the same ones we support and are friends with - bombed the test. We say silent prayers for a memory lapse, for their demise. Is this what business school fosters? Feelings of whispers of ne'er-do-wells?

Of course, maybe this is how we're graded in life, too. It doesn't matter how successful - or unsuccessful - we are. All that matters is how we look compared to our coworkers. If they are shining stars, then our success pales in comparison. And vice versa. SoI guess this is life? It doesn't matter how fast we run, just as long as we're faster than the fastest person in the race.

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