Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Power of Brand

I'm just going to go ahead and admit it: I'm a dork.

This past summer, my treat on the train ride from NYC back to CT was to pick up that week's The New Yorker and read it cover to cover in a mere 40 minutes. The articles are interesting, the writing is fantastic, and I loved to learn about all the goings-on in the city.

I'm not a big magazine reader to begin with, especially with school in full swing. I didn't renew my Traveler subscription because I never got around to reading it. But I found, in the months I've been back in NC, that I've missed my New Yorker.

So I subscribed. I may be the only North Carolinian to have a subscription to The New Yorker, but I love it. I love reading the articles, appreciating the writing, and learning about all the goings-on in the city, even though I'm too far away to appreciate them. But it's just a short plane ride away, right? Plus, I like being the only North Carolinian reading The New Yorker. I feel sophisticated, educated and cultured. At least, that's what the brand tells me I should feel.

I'll still get my celeb updates on, but I'm also chic enough to read about why Lieberman sees himself as the Lorax. Now that's good marketing!

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