Thursday, May 17, 2007

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

I'm not sure about the healthy part, given that I've been too lazy to work out these past couple of weeks. And given that I have student loans out the ears, I can guarantee the wealthy part is non-existent. But I now have concrete proof that I'm definitely thanks to the $80,000 I just donated to Duke.

My wisdom teeth are coming in.

That's right, I'm 27 (going on 28) years old and my wisdom teeth are just now coming in. And no, I never had them taken out when I was a teenager, despite the urging of many dentists through the years. I don't like surgery to begin with, especially when it comes to the mouth or eye area. My adult molars didn't come in until my early teens, and the dentist had to go in and cut out my baby molars to allow the adult ones to come in. There was a lot of cracking and extracting. And bleeding. It seemed like major surgery to me. So you can see why I was always reluctant to have the wisdom teeth taken out. Plus, I'm a weenie when it comes to pain. And I went through enough of that with braces.

So now I'm teething like a little baby. Somebody pass the Ambesol, please! The bottom right tooth is surfacing and the upper right is just starting to poke through. So my dentist told me the bad news...that I need to have them taken out. "Don't worry," he said. "It's not that bad." I may be a bit naive, but I'm no teenager. I've heard from my friends about the dry sockets, the drooling, the chipmunk cheeks, the having to sip food through a straw for a week. Don't lie to me. I can take it like a woman. Maybe.

The good news is that it's not an emergency. The doc said I could wait another six months, maybe even a year. So I'm praying that the new additions don't screw up the thousands of dollars of orthodontics my parents shelled out (thanks, guys) and that they stay clean and under the radar. I made it this long - the last thing I want is to have my wisdom teeth removed.

Plus, I'm kind of liking this whole "wiser" thing.


Martha said...

Get them out now, it's really not that bad.

I got mine cut out last year, they were impacted. There were stitches involved, but no dry sockets or wholes in your gums. They can knock you out too when they do all this stuff. Based on your past experiences, you may want to ask for this option :)

Since yours have started to break through the skin, you probably don't want to wait too long. Bacteria can get down under you gum and start decaying the part of the tooth that's under the skin. Yuck!

Also, I had 4 baby teeth pulled in 8th grade so I could get my braces. I can relate with the late bloomer thing.

Unknown said...

not so bad...i got to eat mac and cheese and applesauce for two days! you really just can't beat that-

enjoyed reading through your blog-

hope things are going well