Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sex comes to the city

Tonight was the Raleigh premiere of Sex and the City and I got to see the sneak peek! Special thanks to Alison who won two free tickets on the radio and brought me along. A little dinner beforehand with a glass of wine and then a special screening of the greatest movie to hit the streets of New York...kinda.

I did win a shirt before the movie started. They were giving out shirts to people for random things, and one of the things was having something from NYC in your purse. I, of course, had my MetroCard with me. Who knew it would come in so handy in NC?

Overall, I would give the movie a B+. The movie had its cute moments and its share of witty - and hilarious - dialogue. Every one of the characters are still true to form and it maintains a pretty good clip, despite the movie clocking in at 2.5 hours. Like hanging out with four of your best girlfriends, the time really did fly.

The biggest thing missing was that sparkle that came with the series. It seemed as if the actors were trying too hard to make this into something it wasn't. At times, it felt that the acting was a bit strained (I think Kristen Davis - Charlotte - did the best job of everyone). Even Oscar-winning Jennifer Hudson didn't seem to quite fit in. The plot was a bit thin; I had a hard time buying that Carrie would have done what she did. The movie didn't do much to develop the characters, which I realize is probably because it's aimed at a certain target - those women who followed the show for six seasons. But, being one of those girls, I still had a hard time emotionally connecting with some of the characters and their predictaments. Don't get me wrong - I laughed, I cried, I cheered. The movie was just missing that frosting on the cake. I would have just liked to see SATC go out with just a little more style.

But the point of a good chick flick is to get away. To escape into a fantasy of New York City for a few hours. And the movie did a good job of that. The fashion was fun to see, the city was fun to see, and the denouement of the show was fun to see. And, of course, seeing the movie with my good friend made it fun to see. Thanks for the fun girls night out, Alison!

On a random note, I just read an article in The New Yorker about Pascal Dangin, who is this world class retoucher of fashion photographs. Apparently, he's so good that photographers actually have him on set to help them with their photos. Well, he had a cameo role in the movie. He was on screen for all of three seconds, but it was so fun to see him and know who that crazy hair belonged to. And it made some of the movie make sense. Random to have just read that and then to have seen him in the movie.

1 comment:

memsahib said...

I read that article on Dangin recently and also recognized him in the movie. Googled it just to make sure I was right. In the interview, he talked specific details about retouching for a magazine spread of an actress who had a movie being released soon and now I believe it was probably Sarah JP. Thanks for the confirmation.