Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's Love Got to do with It?

When I was five or six years old, I would prance around the house with my favorite red purse, belting out the words to "What's Love Got to do with It?" My dream was to be Tina Turner - complete with the crazy hair - and marry Michael Jackson.

Well, some dreams don't quite come true. Alas, marrying the King of Pop was not in the cards, and neither was pulling off the crazy Tina hair - or getting the fabulous Tina legs, for that matter.

But dreams can come pretty close - in October, Abby and I will rendez-vous in Chicago to see Tina perform on her last tour ever! I'm pretty excited about the whole thing and just hope that Tina is prepared for me to sing with her on stage. Oh, Tina, you're "Simply the Best!"

By the way, do you know that Tina is 69 years old? I just hope I can age as gracefully as she has.

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