Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Latte Wisdom

On my Starbucks latte cup this morning, I came across this pearl of wisdom from "The Way I see It" series. This one is #129:

The first person to walk on Mars could be alive today. If so, she's most likely two years old and living in China.

--Andrew Zolli, Futurist and National Geographic Emerging Explorer

The sad thing is, he's probably right. We need to light a fire under our collective American arses and start getting excited about math and science. We're losing the battle and it's more than just national pride - it's about educating our children properly. While children in other parts of the world are learning math and science concepts and longing to get higher degress in these subjects, our children are watching TV or reading up on Jessica Simpson's weight battle. No wonder the Chinese our beating us in the economy and brains. We just don't care any more.

Maybe we need another space race. A race to Mars, perhaps. Something to join us as a nation and get kids and teenagers excited about learning and education.

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