Monday, August 17, 2009

London is very rainy

Last month, my mother, sister and I took a little bonding trip to London. I know, it's quite a ways to go to bond, but the idea was that my sister (who studied abroad there in college) could show us around and we could peer a bit into her life.

We had a great time and it was fun to get to know my family a little better, which is hard, now that we're scattered around the country and don't get to talk too often.

Most of the time in London was spent in the city, doing some of the
typical touristy things; but we also took the train to Bath, met some interesting people along the way, and ate some of the most delicious food (who said English food is terrible?).
One thing about London was that it was COLD! At the end of July, we were enjoying weather in the low 60s with lots of rain on and off throughout the day. Londoners, apparently, abide by the motto to "dress like an onion." It's totally accurate...I never knew when to put on or take off layers!

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