Monday, October 22, 2007

Babies are good to eat

My co-worker brought her new baby into work the other day. She was pretty cute...all chunky and giggly. As the baby was passed around from girl to girl (because, let's be honest, those were the only people interested in holding her), everyone was nuzzly with the baby and some people even nibbled on her. Especially on her little fat thighs.

And there were several comments of "You're so cute, I want to eat you up." It's not the first time I've heard that. When someone wants to take a little bite of baby thigh. Or just swallow a baby whole because it's so cute.

What is it about eating babies that we like to do? Why is it that we want to eat something that's really cute? Why do we want something cute inside our belly? Do other animals do this, as well, in their own animal way?

Mammals in general tend to stare at a new baby. How many times have you walked into a mall and craned your neck to gander a look at a baby in a stroller? It's like we're checking it out because we know it's going to be pretty cute (most of them, at least), and we want to take a look. Even monkeys and other mammals seem to do this...when a new baby is born, they all gather around to look at it. We're curious and want to see what it looks like.

But I'm still wondering why we want to eat them.

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