Monday, October 15, 2007

Moving must be a lot like childbirth

We finally moved into our new home this weekend! It's strange, because even though we're in, it doesn't quite feel like it's really ours yet. Maybe because everything is new - new furniture, new sheets, even new food (now that I'm shopping at a different grocery store, I have to adapt to their offerings).

It occured to me last week and this weekend that moving must be a lot like childbirth. It seems like a great idea until you've packed your 85th box, and then you realize that this was the worst idea ever. But by then, it's too late to do anything about it. And then you have to unpack all the boxes you just packed. And you have stuff lying around for days. And somehow, five years later, you forget all the pain and agony of moving and you want to do it all over again. And it seems like a good idea until you've packed your 85th box....

In short, I'm never moving again and I'm never having kids. Unless someone comes and it does it for me (the moving and the kids).

I really love our house and can't wait until all the furniture finally arrives and we get everything settled and decorated the way we want. My goal is to be live-in ready by the Christmas holidays. We'll see how I do!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Congrats on finally moving in to your new home! We've been here for over a year, and there still are a few boxes I haven't been through. I'm convinced that's why God invented basements and/or doors (to hide all the boxes you don't feel like unpacking).

I agree with your assessment about childbirth (or pregnancy in my case). I decided by about the 30th week (actually way before that, but this is when I particularly started NOT enjoying it) that only senile people actually enjoy being pregnant, and the only reason people do it more than once is because they wait long enough to forget how much they hated being pregnant in the first place (that...and the end result is pretty good too). By the time they remember why they hated it too's too late, they're already committed :)

Please shoot me an email with your new address. I've had a thank you note here for months with your name on it :)