Sunday, February 17, 2008

I want my Girl Scout Cookies!

I finally got my four boxes of Girl Scout cookies today. Two boxes of Thin Mints, one Carmel deLights and one Peanut Butter Patties. I was talking to the Cookie Chair and apparently, there's a bit of cookie unrest in the area.

This year, the NC Girl Scout Council switched bakeries (there are two bakeries in the US that are licensed to produce Girl Scout cookies: one in Louisville, KY and another in Richmond, VA). This year, the council chose to go with the one in Richmond, and apparently people are tasting a difference in their cookies...enough to elicit a front-page newspaper article about it. Apparently, the flavors just don't "explode in your mouth" the way they used to.

Customers are upset. They are demanding their money back and there is a hotline dedicated to taking customer complaints and issuing refunds or new boxes of cookies.

News flash: these are COOKIES we're talking about. I know we get excited about our Girl Scout cookies. They are limited in quantity. You don't get to eat them everyday. But, seriously. I can understand if you got a damaged box of cookies (as some people did, due to a leak in one of the warehouses). But a slight taste difference? Come on.

I did my own taste test of a Thin Mint. It tastes pretty darn good. True, it doesn't seem quite as minty as before, but I don't know if that's because I was looking for it or because there really is a difference.

Some people get upset over injustice in their country. I guess injustice can even take the form of a Girl Scout cookie.


Martha said...

Speaking of cookies...guess what Patrick brought home from the grocery store the other night? If you guessed Samoa Ice'd be right!

MonkeyGirl said...

I keep forgetting about the ice cream! I think we're going to have to stock up while we can. After eating the Tag-a-longs and Somoas, Scott and I concur with the general feeling of other cookie-buyers...they just don't taste the same. We'll just have to get our fix from Edy's now!