Thursday, June 05, 2008

Let the mud-slinging begin

Now that there are unofficially two candidates running for president, I'm a much happier person. I haven't decided for whom I'm voting - that's what the next several months of debates and speeches are for. But knowing that there is plenty of time for candidates to make their case is a good thing - we, as a nation, will have the ability and time to research and make up our own minds.

Every morning, I go to CNN to check out the goings-on in the world. And, as much as I'm sick of the presidential campaign, I will occassionally click on the Politics page to get a quick synopsis. This morning, I did just that and found this page:

Now, I understand that the ad on this page is paid for by Obama. And I also understand that Obama is all up in the news right now because of the recent primaries. (Every link on the page is about Obama, along with the ad about Obama. Only one link mentions respect to Obama). However, I also believe it is the responsibility of a new organization to watch its content and ensure that no wrong perceptions are made. When I was business manager of the student newspaper at Wake Forest, we constantly checked to make sure ads were placed correctly and that the overall look of the page didn't portray an unintended message.

When I clicked on this page, the unintended message was the CNN had placed its vote - for Obama. Of course, being who CNN is, I'm absolutely sure who they want to win this election. But as a reputable news organization, they need to make sure that their content, advertising and layout doesn't give away their intentions - explicity or implicitly. This isn't the first time I've found some biased reporting on this site, but the first time it struck me enough to get upset about it.

I don't know who I'm voting for in November, and I want to make an informed and educated decision based on my values and where I'd like to see this country go in the next four, eight, twenty years. I get especially stubborn and upset when I feel someone else is trying to make that decision for me.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

CNN is rag.

Jessica, out.