Monday, October 06, 2008

Rock on, Tina!

Seven costume changes. Four dancers. Three-inch high Louboutin heels. Two backup singers. Fireworks. Fireballs. On Fire.

Abby and I went to the Tina Turner concert in Chicago this past weekend. She played a few songs that I hadn't heard before, but she didn't disappoint on her oldies. What I can't get over is that this lady is 69 years old and she is kick-ball-changing around in her Louboutins and belting it out with the best of them. The highlight of the show was the encore, when a crane swing her out over the crowd and she was dancing on the platform, as we held our breath that she wouldn't fall into the crowd. Of course, the crowd would save her...they loved her. She is a diva, after all!

It wouldn't be a weekend with Abby without an adventure. On Saturday morning, we pulled out our tickets and realized that we bought them...for Friday night. Whoops! Fortunately, StubHub came to the rescue and we found tickets for cheaper than our original tickets. Once we got to the concert, we were randomly chosen for an upgrade, so we actually got closer to Tina than we ever imagined!

Thanks, Tina and Abby, for a fabulous weekend!

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