Monday, January 19, 2009

Little Baby B

This weekend I jaunted up to Connecticut to see Elizabeth, my college roommate. She is among the gaggle of friends who have lately decided to take the baby plunge and I wanted to see her in all her pregnant glory.

There were two parts of the visit that were amazing to me: first, that there was this little person growing inside of Elizabeth. Yeah, we've all learned about the "Miracle of Life" and from what little experience I've had with it, it truly is a miracle and a wonder that these two people - these two cells - come together to form a whole new human being. But that was somewhat abstract to me until I actually saw Elizabeth's belly and felt that whole new human being inside. To think that this little person - whom I felt hiccup and kick and move - will one day be running and climbing things and interacting with people is truly amazing.

The second part was seeing Elizabeth in a whole new way. This is my college roommate, the person I shared a life with for two years, with whom I had balloon swordfights, picked out the perfect frat party outfit, ate together at The Pit - and now she's all grown up and a mother. To see that transformation was really special.

Thank you to Elizabeth, Chris and Lilly for hosting me this weekend and allowing me to be a part of such a special time in your lives! No, I'm not getting any ideas, but I feel so blessed to be a part of something much bigger than anyone.

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