Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Am I the only one?

Just a typical e-mail from my mother:
How are you? Just on the news a pregnant woman - young newspaper delivery person - was found murdered with multiple stab wounds in Raleigh behind AmeriKing store near highway. Be careful especially when you jog. Don't jog at night
or in isolated areas. Jog with someone.
Love, Mommy
Please someone tell me that they have a mother as neurotic as mine. This is not an isolated incident. I get these e-mails on a regular basis...sometimes it's someone who had a pocketbook snatched. Sometimes it's someone's husband that has poisoned them. Is this what my future holds? One day harrassing my kids about crimes that may or may not happen to them?

And I'm not sure what the connection between a pregnant woman being stabbed and me jogging at night is. Maybe someone can shed some light on that one.

Oh, Amie...


Martha said...

If you had gotten a quality education at a notable university like Notre Dame instead of places like Duke and Wake Forest, she probably wouldn't send you emails like this :)

This does crack me up though. Maybe you should see if Scott would take up some pro bono work in Compton. I'd love to see the emails you'd get if you lived there :)

MonkeyGirl said...

Ha! Love it...Notre Dame and Compton ain't got nothin' on us!