Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks

We ended our one game winning streak in softball last night. In our defense, we did play the Divinity School. I know that God doesn't like to play favorites, but seriously, is there any doubt whose side God was on last night?

On the bright side, no injuries this time.

I played hookey from school today (well, kind of. We don't have classes on Wednesdays) and went to the Durham Bulls game with some friends from school. I'm not a huge baseball fan, but it was actually a lot of fun. No crackerjacks this time, but a hot dog and some peanuts, in true b-ball style. Because we got a group from school to go, we got entered into a raffle and they called my name! I won...a t-shirt. Still, it was exciting to hear my name over the loudspeaker. I'm famous!

Lots of little kids at the game today, and plenty of sugar to go around. Between the sno-cones, the ice cream and the hotdogs, these kids are going to be high for days: Reason #362 not to have kids.

1 comment:

MonkeyGirl said...

That could be the problem. Our team name is "Balls Deep". Not my idea. But it could be responsible for God's temperment last night!