Friday, September 01, 2006

I talked to Ernesto. He says Hola.

Ernesto has sent some rain our way these last few days. It's wind-driven rain that makes you want to curl up under the covers and read Corporate Finance.

I think it's very equitable of the Hurricane Weather people to include Hispanic names in their list of hurricane identification. But why just include English and Hispanic names? Why not represent more of our country's fabric?

We have a large Chinese and Chinese-American population that should be represented, plus, it would solve the problem of trying to find names for odd letters like "Q" and "X". We chould have Hurricane Xiaohui or Hurricane Qi.

And let's not forget our Indian friends. Hurrican Sameer and Vidya have a nice ring to them. The list could go on to include names from other Asian and Mid-East countries, Russia and Slovic nations. These would be must more interesting then Hurricane John.

Granted, it might take a little while for public acceptance. But I don't think people will much care when hurricane is blowing down their door. At that point, does it really matter that it's Hurricane Qi or Hurricane John? Plus it's not fair that we're continuing the American image of destruction by having hurricanes named after American-sounding names.

Let's expand our horizons, represent our country well. And greet our hurricanes with a bow and a "Nihao".

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