Friday, March 30, 2007

Alex, I'll take "What's Behind Door #1?" for $800, please

As of this morning, I am officially employed! Thank you to everyone who gave their insights and's amazing that the overwhelming majority of people really value the work environment over anything else. I guess it shows that, when you boil it down, it's more about the people you work with than about what you do.

I've decided to go with the first firm I listed in the last post. I, like most people I talked to, just couldn't walk away from the great work environment and the wonderful people. And I think the work will be interesting, too. I also had my very first salary negotiation, which was nerve-racking, but successful!

So now that the job search is officially over, what am I going to do with all this free time?

1 comment:

Martha said...

Congrats on the job! It must have been terrile to have 4 different companies that wanted you.

What to do with your free time?
Come visit your super-cool friends in IL, of course! Or think of a way to take us with you to Costa Rica :)