Monday, December 29, 2008

Every smile matters

As we wind up 2008, I can't help but think what's in store for 2009. And I'm not sure what to expect: while I'm excited about the prospect of a new page in history for our country with our new President, Cabinet and Congress, I look around and see a lot of challenges.

There's the looming financial crisis - and with it, the depletion of so many people's retirement accounts; war in the Middle East - with the newest addition of Israel to the theatre; poverty, corruption and genocide in Africa; and the pollution and destruction of our planet, to name just a few. While there is a lot to celebrate from 2008 and a lot to look forward to in 2009, there's also a lot of sadness in our world.

So I think we should make a New Year's resolution to be nicer to one another. To smile to each other a little more. To be kinder and more generous. Yes, perhaps that sounds naive. But when we feel lost or overwhelmed, we must remember that we always have our humanity. We are all in this together - no matter where we live or what we look like - and we share in the sadness and the joys together. So by each one of us being a little nicer, a little more human, to one another, perhaps we can help make all these world crises a little more tolerable.

If my recycling makes a difference, then my smile can, too. It's just a little thing, but if everyone did something little, then think how great we, as a human race, could be together.

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