Sunday, October 22, 2006

The results are in

I batted a 0.75. Not too shabby. Out of the four predictions I made about my mother's comments to me during my visit home, I got 3 of them correct.

1. My mother did, in fact, comment on my hair and encouraged me to get it cut while I was home. I declined.

2. My mother proceeded to comment on the dark circles under my eyes. I faulted her Italian genes.

3. My mother tried to force feed me while I was home.

There was, however, no comment about my growing ass, which surprised me. There usually is at least one ass-comment whenever I visit. Could my mother be losing her game, as she gets older?

Overall, it was a great visit. A lot of shopping (for my little sister), some drinks, and some quality time with the parents. Despite the comments.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Sorry I missed seeing your huge ass! Maybe next time you'll plan your trips back to O-town around my schedule :)