Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sweet, Beautiful Release

Do you realize that we spend most of our lives awake? As I type this, I have been awake for 19 hours straight. Simple math, that even a Corp Fin flunkie can do (yes, I'm squeezing blood out of this turnip), dictates that only 5 hours are left in the day. Only 5 hours for sweet, beautiful sleep. Why must we spend so many hours of the day awake?

I know, I know. Carpe Diem and all that crap. But how can you seize the day when you're sleep deprived? How can you save the world when thoughts of pillows and down comforters prance through your head? How can you pretend you're the next contestant on America's Next Top Model when you have black circles under your eyes?

The answer is: more sleep. We need to stay awake less and sleep more. Then can we, as a people, as a human species, make a better difference in this world. And actually enjoy the day that we are seizing, after getting a full 8-9 hours of sleep.

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