Sunday, June 03, 2007

Women are revengeful, spiteful creatures

I can say that. I'm a woman.

Scott and I went running at our favorite trail at Lake Lynn and came across quite a sight in the parking lot: a little sports car (well, if you call a Pontiac a sports car) had all four tires slashed (and when I mean slashed, I mean someone almost completely carved out the spokes on one of the tires), had its rear window completely smashed in (glass littered the pavement), had a "spiderweb" on the front windshield from someone hitting it with a blunt object, was keyed down the side and had graffiti written all over the car (not suitable for reprint here).

We came the conclusion that it had to be a woman because only a woman would be this revengeful. Plus, the graffiti had graphics to go with the written insults and I just don't think a man would have that much attention to detail.

And then, a few days later, I heard Carrie Underwood's new song:

I dug my key into the side
of his pretty little souped-up four wheel drive.
Carved my name into his leather seats.
Took a Louisville Slugger to both headlights
Slashed a hole in all four tires.
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats. imitating art? Or maybe further evidence that woman are revengeful, spiteful creatures. And take their cues from other revengeful, spiteful women!


Martha said...

I would have to agree with you. Men will walk up and punch a guy in the face, and five minutes later they are best friends again. Not women! They are the world's best grudge-holders.

Women's torture, especially of each other, is way more psychological than men's.

I guess there is a reason the saying, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

As for the Carrie Underwood song, I don't mind the song all that much. It just doesn't seem believable to me. She just appears too sweet to be whipping out the Louisville slugger. I guess that's another part of women that will remain a phenomenon (even to other women)...even the sweetest looking woman can be a revengeful, spiteful creature.

Lisa said...

Girls are far more vicious than boys. I remember seeing hair, blood, and earrings sprinkled in the high school hallway.

I would venture to say that some men view their cars as extensions of themselves, a second "phallus", if you will. What better way to exercise revenge?

BTW, have you ever watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High? There's a revenge scene that isn't quite as destructive as the Underwood tune (which I find rather charming) but equally enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Try Living with a woman who hates your children and loves using your money!
All for her benefit and her kids. No matter what I do I seem to be in the wrong...yet she sys she loves me!
She posts comments on Facebook to her friends that are meant to put me and my kids down. When I bring her flowers she laughs at me....this is called marriage!

alex said...

@ Anonymous: This is not called marriage this is called YOUR marriage. All women are revengeful with the "right guy" meaning if you are less powerful than her..she will lose respect..and when they do..this is happening... A lot of times they lose respect even before they marry you..or after but before they have children..or after and so on..but they stay for other reasons: they are lazy to work..they work but they still would like more money..or they have money and they are afraid of losing face or status by being divorced..and so on.. but I agree..if you are with the wrong woman..and mostly sexy women are like this..and is logical: ugly women have 5% chances to be asked they play nice girls..the ones are hot and sexy..they have LINES of men have no behave..UNTIL..they get OLD and not so hot (and believe me..this happens to ALL of them one day)..:)).

Unknown said...

@ anonymous, shoulda wondered why the first guy left her...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry man. I've been there.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry man. I've been there.

Anonymous said...

I think we all have the capacity to be #$%&%*, I have to hand it to you woman who started this topic, because she's obviously very self aware and she recognizes this predilection in her own sex. The ability to do that shows intellect, maturity and a high level of self esteem.
I agree with a lot of the other people who posted comments regarding, emotional maturity and self-esteem. I am divorced from someone who I cannot fathom the depths of her vengeance and spite. She, however came from a very broken family and a previous failed marriage, her self esteem, and emotional maturity (despite my efforts to nurture them) - we're so low she saw everything and anything that happened in life as a threat. She now has my children a majority of the time and I used to worry about being financially prepared to get them to college. Now I pray and worry everyday, that they simply make it without learning her lessons of vengeance and spite....